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Financial Wellbeing

Salary Packaging

IRT’s status as a not-for-profit organisation allows our employees to access a range of salary packaging options which can help you pay less tax and increase your take-home pay.

To say ‘thank you’ for working in the not-for-profit industry, the Australian Government allows you to pay for certain everyday expenses with money from your salary before tax is taken out.

As a full-time or part-time employee at IRT, you can package:

  • Up to $15,900 from your salary for everyday purchases on things like rent, mortgage repayments, insurance, utilities, childcare, petrol and groceries.
  • Up to $2,650 from your salary for entertainment purchases on things like dining out, entertainment, holidays and leisure activities.

These amounts come out before your salary is taxed, which lowers your taxable income, so you pay less tax but increase your disposable income.*

Other salary packaging options include putting more money into your superannuation to boost your retirement savings and reduce how much tax you pay overall. Novated leasing is another option and can be a great way to get a new or used car and save money on running costs like maintenance, tyres and petrol.

Find out more about Maxxia Salary Packaging here.

 *Individual circumstances may vary. Please seek your own independent professional advice.

Shopping and Discounts

Through our My Rewards program, employees have access to discounts, special deals and cashback offers from more than 365 retailers, including:

  • Fashion and retail
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Groceries and homewares
  • Travel and accommodation

Employee Referral Bonus Payments

We’re always on the lookout for skilled and passionate people to join our team. Our employees can refer someone for a role and if that person is successful in gaining employment, they’ll be eligible for a $300 bonus.

Career Development

Careers Toolkit

We provide employees with IRT’s Career Toolkit, which details the range of job roles available across the organisation and the pathways to help you get there.

Different pathways may include: varied job opportunities, development through education and training, and engagement opportunities to learn and apply deeper skills that can also be used to progress your career and position yourself for a promotion.

We also provide a range of initiatives and opportunities to progress your career, including: traineeships, cadetships, graduate programs and personal development plans

Buddy Program

We provide a comprehensive onboarding and buddy program to help employees succeed in their new roles, including our unique Aged Care Boot Camp online program.

This program is delivered by Clinical Nurse Educators and other subject matter experts and is designed to equip employees with valuable information and knowledge about the aged care sector.

Continuous Learning

We offer free continuous learning opportunities for our employees through our Registered Training Organisation, ITeC Academy, including online training, short courses and full qualifications.

Find out more >

Meet our Aged Care team: Ethan's Story

It’s the people and their stories that attracted Ethan to aged care.

The 31-year-old is the Business Manager for our aged care centres in South-West Sydney, Queensland and the ACT and has been working at IRT for 13 years.

“I can’t imagine doing anything else,” he said. “The people you work with, the friends, you make, and the residents you meet create a feeling of belonging. What I’ve put in I’ve got back, all that and more.”

Are you inspired by Ethan’s story and keen to start your career with IRT?

Flexible Working

Flexible working arrangements

We provide various flexible working arrangement options to help you achieve a work/life balance.

Birthday leave

We provide all full-time and part-time employees an additional day of leave for their birthday.

Parental leave

We provide generous parental leave for both primary and secondary care givers.

Health and Lifestyle offers

Fitness Passport

The Fitness Passport program provides our full-time and permanent part-time employees and their families with unlimited access to more than 30 gyms, pools and facilities from just $11.95 per week. 

Flu Vaccinations

We offer free influenza vaccinations to all employees on an annual basis.

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers short-term professional counselling for all employees and their families.

It’s a free and confidential service that can be accessed 24/7 by phone or face-to-face during work hours.

Are you interested in working with IRT?

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