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Giving transforms communities

Age Matters
26 November 2020
older homeless person receiving a gift

The first day of December is #GivingTuesday. Your chance to be generous, feel good and #GiveWhatYouCan to support organisations like Age Matters with a small donation.

It’s super easy to give now or commit to our regular giving program to help ensure no older person is homeless, isolated or without purpose. 

Just the cost of a cup of coffee helps someone in need

Age Matters is actively helping older Australians facing homelessness find stable accommodation that’s right for them. Our team works directly with at-risk clients to help them find safe and secure housing.

Worker helping older couple

We all know that sometime loneliness can take hold, especially as we get older. We are committed to helping people beyond their front door. We assist older people to enjoy paid work, volunteering and social activities. Our advocacy, mature age workforce and volunteering programs make it easier for older Australians to be valued, contribute to their communities, and stay connected.

Sometimes life can become overwhelming as technology and government systems evolve and change. We help clients navigate complex systems, overcome access barriers and link them to appropriate services that address their individual needs.

People like you ensure Age Matters and everyone has a fair opportunity to age safely without disadvantage and to feel meaningful.

#GiveWhatYouCan #GivingTuesdayNow

#GivingTuesday is a global day of generosity to unleash the power of people and organisations to transform their communities and the world.

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