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It's your EA - update #5

16 December 2024

Dear Colleagues,

In my last update to you I gave a commitment to provide you with details about the administrative pay increase to be delivered to all Enterprise Agreement staff in January next year.

You might recall that I have previously explained that this administrative increase will be applied in calendar year 2025 only, and will be in addition to the July 2.5% increase we propose for your renewed EA.

Today I am pleased to share with you some more details of what increases will be applied to which classifications from 6 January 2025.

2025 January administrative increases

Everyone will receive an increase of at least 2% in January that will be applied from the first pay period starting 6 January.

Below are some classifications that will receive an extra boost to keep us aligned with the modern award and hold our place in the top ten with our regional competitors in the Aged Care sector.

Recognition of competency and qualifications

In recognition of the competency and qualifications achieved by staff in specific roles, some classifications will change, and an increase applied to reflect this.

The nature of the work already being carried out won’t change; just the classification, in recognition of the competency and qualifications.

These changes and their associated increases are outlined below.

Clearer career pathways

To build on our encouragement and recognition of staff who acquire additional competencies, experience and qualifications; and to reflect the Fair Work Commission’s decision, a number of additional new roles at higher rates will also be added to your renewed Enterprise Agreement.

This is great news as it will help show much clearer career pathways for all staff.

This will include additional senior classifications for Aged Care Centre, Home Care and FM staff and more details will be shared as we move closer to finalising your EA.

A reminder – what’s in the EA?

A recap on what we’re offering in the renewed EA is outlined below.

Remember, we are not proposing to take any of your existing benefits away, and there are some generous benefits already in our EA. Did you know for example, that after 10 years, staff start accumulating long service leave (LSL) at up to 2.5 times the rate prescribed in the relevant state long service leave Acts?

Guaranteed annual pay increase
Guaranteed annual wage increase of 2.5% for 3 years, beginning in July 2025 (holding our place in the top 10 aged care providers).

It’s worth noting that the first increase of 2.5% in July 2025 will be applied to your new rate after the administrative increase is applied in January (not the rate you are on now). If, for example, your increase in January is 5.5% then the July increase associated with the EA will be 2.5% of that increased rate, making the total for the calendar year – 8%

2 days paid appreciation leave
This is new to this EA, and will be available each year, replacing the one day of birthday leave in the current agreement.

14 weeks paid parental leave
This is an increase from 12 weeks in the current EA, and so much better than the average of 9.3 weeks offered by 20 other top providers.

4 weeks paid partner leave
This is an entitlement for you if your partner has a child which is double what was outlined in our current EA and double the average offered by 20 other top providers.

What happens next?

We will continue to meet with the representatives and provide you with updates across all our communications channels (keep looking out for our text messages, QR codes on screens and posters, Platinum notices and Workplace updates).

If you have any questions please ask your People and Culture Business Partner, or send an email to: or call the EA hotline on: 1800 965 055.

Remember, it’s your EA.


Kind regards

Patrick Reid


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