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Resident Stories
Nov 16, 2020

For the love of books

IRT Peakhurst residents are enjoying the recently renovated library space.

IRT Peakhurst has a newly updated library space thanks to a successful grant application and a dedicated Residents’ Association.

16 November 2020
Enjoying the updated library space at IRT Peakhurst are Retirement Village Manager – Peakhurst Lee Parbery (left) with residents and library volunteers Christine Ward (second from left) and Heather Edwards, and IRT Peakhurst Residents’ Association Chair Lyndon Mitchell.
“We are aiming to enhance the community through these successful grant applications.”
Lyndon Mitchell
IRT Peakhurst Residents' Association Chair and volunteer

Book lovers at IRT Peakhurst are enjoying what the newly renovated library has to offer now it’s doubled in size.

The Good Life caught up with IRT Peakhurst Residents’ Association Chair and volunteer Lyndon Mitchell to talk about the project to upgrade the library space.

The library’s renovation was partly funded by the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme through IRT Peakhurst’s local Federal Member, David Coleman MP. Following a successful application, the funding offer was matched by the Residents’ Association.

“We applied for funding for another project initially but the level of funding offered was insufficient to complete that project, so we identified that the level of funding available would enable us to renovate the village library,” Lyndon says.

The library is set up in the community centre and the funding enabled the purchase of new shelving. “It’s more than doubled the capacity,” Lyndon says.

Housing some 3000 books and DVDs, the library has been stocked through donations, and items are borrowed by residents using an honesty system.

“The upgrade has been extremely well received,” Lyndon says. “We have two volunteer residents who act as librarians too. All different types of books are on our library shelves. The renovation has allowed us the opportunity to review our book stocks which was opportune.”

The grant also allowed for blinds to be installed in the outdoor reading area, outside the community hall, to provide shelter from the weather and allow for residents to read when the community centre is being used.

Lyndon is very proactive in seeking out opportunities and applying for funding to enhance IRT Peakhurst.

Lyndon and the Residents’ Association have also been successful in securing State Government funding for the upgrade of the women’s change room at the community’s pool. An additional successful grant application to the State Government means solar panels will be installed on the pool complex roof too.

“The panels are expected to significantly reduce energy costs,” Lyndon explains. “Different levels of government often have grant programs available and the association identifies projects that might be suitable to receive a grant. We are aiming to enhance the community through these successful grant applications.”

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