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Post - 9 benefits of leisure and lifestyle activities in aged care

…their day. Pets provide companionship and can inject playfulness and lightness wherever they go. Just make sure animals are well-supervised and have their nails clipped short to avoid health and

A women smiling at an elderly lady in a wheel chair

Post - 10 Fall Prevention Tips for Older People

and Qld. To learn more about IRT Home Care, click below or give our friendly Customer Service team a call on 134 478. Find out more References…

Page - Journey of Care

…can follow and activities based on demonstration. This may include matching and sorting and hand-eye coordination activities, such as setting the table, folding washing, sorting pegs by colour and opening…

Age Matters - creating a better world for all older Australians

Post - What is ageism and how can we stop it?

…their health and wellbeing. According to EveryAGE Counts, the negative impact that age discrimination can have on an older person’s confidence, health, and quality of life can be profound. Ageism…

Page - Palliative Care

…their families through this time, and offer a range of signature ‘neigbourhoods’ and ‘specialist’ programs where residents are honoured in life, and in passing. Compassionate care, dignity and respect We…

Course - CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health

…the planning, implementation and monitoring of individual leisure and health programs CHCLAH004 Participate in planning leisure and health programs for clients with complex needs CHCLAH005 Incorporate lifespan development and sociological…

Post - What is positive ageing and 5 tips to achieve it

…moderation reduces your risk of various physical health issues and can also help prevent cognitive health problems as you age. 4. Remain active Maintaining muscle health and bone density as…

Page - Home Care Services

…services like physiotherapy, podiatry and speech pathology to enhance your health and wellbeing. Learn more > Home maintenance and modifications We can fix locks, test smoke detectors and alarm systems,…